[4] [👍] Holiday is over and welcome BACK TO SCHOOL season! . Wakai Buy 2 get 30% off for all items valid from 21st June - 21st July 2019 at all Wakai concept stores Indonesia. Spread the good news and happy shopping. Cheers! #wakai #cheersforlife #WakaiBackToSchool

[👍] Holiday is over and welcome BACK TO SCHOOL season! .

Wakai Buy 2 get 30% off for all items valid from 21st June - 21st July 2019 at all Wakai concept stores Indonesia.

Spread the good news and happy shopping.


#wakai #cheersforlife #WakaiBackToSchool

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Sumber : https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQG9JThLpa/

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